Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First things first...


Today is Miles' 6th birthday and I can hardly believe it. Miles was my introduction to Boxers, the breed I now hold most dear, he was our first dog as a couple and he remains my "heart dog." For me that term refers to one that you have connected deeply with, so deeply in this case that I truly feel I know what he is thinking when he looks at me. I'm not talking about the type of knowing that your dog wants a cookie or needs to go out, but really knowing his soul and connecting with him on another level that only the two of us can. He's a peaceful dog despite his Boxer-ness and a puppy for life.

I started looking through pictures for my favorites of him and it was amazing to see the transformation of our life all unfold around the addition of this one dog. We have added three dogs to our family since bringing in Miles and he has tolerated every one of them like a champ.

Over the years Miles has made it very clear that he prefers the beach and water specifically as his top pick for recreational activities and that he also has an extreme weakness for anything made with cheese. With Miles around there have been copious sliming incidents, fart attacks and vomit episodes as well as endless tummy rubs, laughter and kisses. My feet are always warm when Miles is sleeping nearby and I can always count on him to console me when I'm teary eyed. There has been so much joy and satisfaction over these years watching the growth and happiness in this one dog that despite some rough nights and boo boos along the way I am deeply satisfied that we chose to embark on this journey...

This four legged boy has been my child and although I've known better than to treat him entirely like a human youngster, he has been the source of such joy and celebration, challenge and education. When we brought him home and the vet said, "this dog has a serious heart murmur and if you had brought him to me as an eight week old puppy I would have told you to take him back" we were saddened that he might not be with us for very long. As time has gone by and we've continued to check that time bomb in his chest we've been continually grateful for all the check-ups showing that it isn't critical just yet. I love this boy and I'll be lost when he's not here some day, but for now I'm thrilled to celebrate his special life and all the wonder he has to offer the world. Happy Birthday Mr., we love you!


always sunny said...

and, i too love cheese. so , we were made for eachother. i am happy to have lanna call you "unlce miles". we love you guy.

Anonymous said...

YAY miles! Happy Birthday! Sorry I couldn't be there... kisses!