Saturday, June 28, 2008

Still "ringless," but...

I miss my ring! I've had an important ring on that finger for fifteen (and a half!) years and it's quite strange to be without. I tried wearing my engagement ring, but it's just big enough to feel unsafe. I was so scared to lose it down the tub drain if I washed my hair or something and I also worried about all the cleaning putting it at risk of the same fate. Oh well, in better news...

Lucca hasn't puked in a WHOLE WEEK! Now, we've had these bouts before, but it had been awhile since he made it an entire week so, this is big news people. It seems the magic mixture this time is road kill complete with maggots and a sprinkling of olive oil. Serve him that delicious dish and he's good to go. Silly little wookiee.

Also! I got flowers. THANKS KELLY!!! I love these peonies... they're making my house so cheery and fresh and it looks as though I'll be getting some more next week when I cash in on a little deal we made yesterday. You see, all of last week (and I mean ALL) our clinic seemed to be the drop off spot for crazies and right up to 5pm on Friday night we were facing one of the nuttiest of them all to which I first rushed in with a "NOT IT NOT IT NOT IT" and then when I could see that my dear co worker's terror was a wee bit greater than mine, I conceded and said I would go as long as I got more flowers next week. She was so happy she muttered something about throwing in some tulips too...


Unknown said...

Wow those flowers are beautiful!

See Sherm Blog said...

That's great that Lucca hasn't puked in a week! It was a big deal with Rocco hit that 1 week mark. All you need is that perfect mixture of food! And it looks like you found it.

Hope your ring comes back soon!

Jacqueline said...

Lol Pucca looks so humble!