Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bunch of favorite pictures...

First things first...
Indy, (one of my SEVERAL cutest nieces on the planet) spearheaded a wandering out to the beach which took place while Summer and Mary and I were trespassing for Top Model photos.

The Mocha Semifreddo was highly praised despite my fits about how it had "shifted during flight" causing it's appearance to be slightly marred and my patience to wear thin during the two minute drive to my parent's house.

Apparently the cupcakes were pretty OK too!
Oh homemade cupcake, how do I love thee... let me taste the ways!

One of the loveliest pictures of my Mom in a long time.

On to the precious-est baby on the planet who will melt you without warning (not to mention the freaking cuteness of baby+papa). Holy darlings...

"Hey, this coffee table is GIANT!"

I'm feeling pretty wretched over the last forty-eight hours or so, forgive me for not being more fun! Sometimes my body just shuts down and I have to listen to it and play along. It's killing me to even sit still with the computer on my lap due to all the joint and muscle pain. I'm still slapping up a few more of the ANTP [aka: "Insane Sun Photo Shoot"] pics as promised though, get a load of this ridiculous pose...

Summer's bottom half...

Lounging in junk. Doesn't everyone?

Stairway to...?

Night kiddies and Happy Spring (it's totally snowing and shit here).


Lauryn said...

I love these! Especially the one of the little guy at the coffee table! I love the composition!

Raven said...

Sorry you are feeling of the yuck but the pics rock, thank you for sharing!