Sunday, April 12, 2009

Damn birds! I've HAD IT!

I'm tired of all this tweet, TwEeT TWEET!!!

If there isn't a mockingbird outside my bedroom window, it's the mockingbird's evil cousin.
Like it isn't enough that I have to suffer from overheating all night and difficulty breathing while the window stays closed to drowned out the noise?
Add to that all the tossing and turning and cramming my head between pillows...
5:30am on my birthday for crying out loud!!! Gimme a break already you beasts!
"Spring," you can suck it. Oh yeah, and Happy Easter. Not.


always sunny said...

effin birds. i hate them for you.

natasha | sohobutterfly said...
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natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Happy birthday, grumpy pants. :o) I hope the rest of your day is WONDERFUL! Eat cake!

Lauryn said...

Do you also have the Robins slamming themselves into their reflection on your windows? THOSE are my favorites. You can tell it's Spring when the Robins start acting suicidal around here.

ana poe said...

There is something so creepy about the sound of a bird chirping when it's still dark out...

Anonymous said...

dude! that is NOT cool. i've been quoting that Z.D. scene tons lately because of the damned flicker outside the apartment that has lost it's mind and is trying to peck through the concrete wall at 6a.m. every morning.