Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sister Jacque puts on a show...

Phew, a multitude of posts already, but I couldn't leave this one out! Last night I attended Jacque's school play and although the pictures aren't what I'd hoped (should have shown up with the mega lens), you get the idea. Her class performed a series of one act plays that were very well put together and executed with a skill level beyond their years. My favorite moment was of Jacque portraying an elderly narcissist/hypochondriac receiving a prayer chain request and completely butchering the callers message due to her constant interjections of apathetic self-loathing. Absolutely priceless...

Just before the curtain was drawn the kids kept peering through, but I missed Jacque and got this guy instead.

Sister Talia with flowers for that big star actress of ours!
Great job Jacqueline, your class(es) obviously worked very hard and it payed off, can't wait to see more! You're a natural~ Love, Sister Me

1 comment:

Sidney Ann said...

Ohmygod I love the curtain pic. I feel another art project comin' on. Yeah!