Friday, June 5, 2009

Well, helloooooo nothingness...

This blog is getting the shaft. There's a really good reason for it (heck, several reasons!) I just thought I should acknowledge it even though I don't feel the tiniest big guilty. Lucca would take over or at least fill in if he wasn't such a selfish arse who prides himself on making everyone else's life impossible by being lazy and obstinate. I'll talk to Miles about it, but I really think he's going to tell me that he prefers retirement and wants nothing to do with regular web programming. It's bad enough that I still trim his nails and clean his ears. I guess he thought that middle/old age would consist of pig troughs full of meat nacks and copious amounts of beer. With three children I've grown lazy and lack the energy to address his sinful nature. Anyone want the job of documenting our lives? Anyone? Bueller?


mendedheart said...

I will miss your blog a lot.

sarah marie p said...

Boo! :(
I'm going to miss you and your blog.

You are such a great gal. Thanks for letting us get a peek into your life.


natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Mine's getting the shaft too. Tis the season. When the weather's nice outside... we're all busy playing!