How are YOU?
Last week just flew by, no new meowing incidents and I can't believe it's time to start another Monday! I had a couple of truly taxing days where I was on my feet all day long and feeling pretty wrecked by Friday night, thank goodness for Ibuprofen and sleeping pills. On Saturday we hiked the same trail as last weekend (Ebey's Landing) with our dear friend Jamie and THIS TIME we took the boys to the dog park FIRST to wear them out a bit. We also remembered the long leashes and with Jamie's help our time was MUCH more pleasant. Lucca kept the whining to a minimum and it didn't rain despite the colder more blustery weather. Some validation for Hans and I came when Jamie ackowledged how much worse Lucca's "vocalness" was just since two weeks prior, I knew he was really acting out lately, he's so 2. The hike is a 3.5 mile "loop" that you can begin along the bluff and then finish on the beach or vice versa. Both times we've gone, the bluff was our starting point. Check out the switchback trails at the end leading down to the beach...
Last week just flew by, no new meowing incidents and I can't believe it's time to start another Monday! I had a couple of truly taxing days where I was on my feet all day long and feeling pretty wrecked by Friday night, thank goodness for Ibuprofen and sleeping pills. On Saturday we hiked the same trail as last weekend (Ebey's Landing) with our dear friend Jamie and THIS TIME we took the boys to the dog park FIRST to wear them out a bit. We also remembered the long leashes and with Jamie's help our time was MUCH more pleasant. Lucca kept the whining to a minimum and it didn't rain despite the colder more blustery weather. Some validation for Hans and I came when Jamie ackowledged how much worse Lucca's "vocalness" was just since two weeks prior, I knew he was really acting out lately, he's so 2. The hike is a 3.5 mile "loop" that you can begin along the bluff and then finish on the beach or vice versa. Both times we've gone, the bluff was our starting point. Check out the switchback trails at the end leading down to the beach...
The strange thing is you can't see the next trail from the one above it, it just appears out of nowhere.
The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning and resting and eating a belated birthday dinner for Hans at my MIL's. Today we also had to fit in the cleaning job and then cooked one of our favorite comfort foods... tuna casserole. Yum! I currently have extremely grubby hair and should really consider shaving as I can't remember the last time I did that, but hey... a little "insulation" is helpful right now. It is after all snowing.
Such gorgeous photos!
Oh my goodness! That hike is so beautiful!!! I wish we had someplace like that close to us!!
ohmygosh the eagles are AMAZING=) what a beautiful place to hike!
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