Well, we made it! It's finally Friday (almost Saturday actually) and I've not punted a dog off a cliff or terrorized my husband too badly. Hurray! Woot woot! I had my appointment with the Rheumatologist today and she essentially confirmed the diagnosis of Behcet's, but she also wished to take a bit more blood to rule out any last possible issues that may be occurring in addition to the Behcet's. So, yeah for answers and great doctors who listen and care and are smart and STUFF. Yeah. Her nurse sucked though- "Nancy" will be getting some hate mail from me and since she didn't even ask my name I don't think she'll be able to figure out who it's from. She was just totally awful.
Moving on... TOMORROW HANS GUEST BLOGS. Gird your loins! No, that's what they say when I'm about to walk in. Hold onto your stomachs! Well, they may say that about me too. Umm... PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR A GOOD TIME! He's totally nervous, but I'm sure he'll come up with something to at least keep you from throwing tomatoes. Truly, I'd love it if we could find a way to make him feel totally and completely adored so that he comes back often, that would be great!Other than that great accomplishment, I'm mentally processing all of the things I have to and would like to get done this weekend which includes, but is not limited to, cooking the giant turkey Dad bought us on Tuesday which is finally thawed and I also need to work on the b-day gift for my niece. Anything that spills over into Sunday will just be added to Sunday's list so, I'd best get going early tomorrow to be as busy as a bee. Hope you all enjoy your Saturdays and I'll see you after the husband has had his way with Home2k9...
Salted Caramel Cake Recipe
10 years ago
We both made it to the weekend without committing homicide! Yay us!
Glad to see the dogs made it through alive... I guess Hans should be included in that statement ;) Hope your weekend = muy productive!
Oh Rocco! Those ears are too cute!!
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