Listen to me go on about running and stuff and then leave me a comment to win a little gifty...
Guess what Internet, I LOVE RUNNING! Funny how you can change your mind about something over time. I thought I hated running because... I ALWAYS DID, but it turns out you can acquire a taste for things that were once repulsive and seemingly unethical in the past. (OK, "unethical" may be a stretch, but I really did think I might die whilst engaged in the act which couldn't possibly be "good" and "right." Right?) Another example of things I once cursed, clams. Clams are one of those foods that I previously disliked until January of this year when some brilliant chef threw some cilantro in the broth and maybe a bit of wine or garlic and I was all, "holy shitballs, these little sea bits are NUMMY." Then I stole the soup cracker packets before leaving... hahahah I WIN!
Back to running and my mad skillz... I have begun to crave those outings and think about being out in my running shoes at all hours of the day and night. There's something particularly wonderful about taking off down the road with a pup or two by my side and knowing that I'm strong and capable enough to exercise my body without any tools or equipment. I also can't say enough for what it does to my mental state should I arrive home with a wee bit of tension in my shoulders or stress on my mind. As far as I'm concerned the weather has been amazing here and several times I've been out in the SUN and feeling WARM on the weekends, something totally unheard of for Washington in February. Even tonight, out in the dusk and dark it was still lovely and now I can officially devour an ice cream sandwich with no guilt whatsoever. Although, I do have a very special performance coming up this weekend for which I am *trying* to stay slim. My sisters and I are putting on an over-the-top routine for Dad's birthday to hopefully give him a good hearty belly laugh and let me just say there will be hip-hop and uni-tards and leg warmers and giant fake flowers... can you even imagine? Wow. I've seen the costumes and I can't imagine. Scary. The hubster is trying to figure out how to tape it, but chances are you'll never see it, not if I can help it. :o)
Want a contest? Ok.
Write a caption for the above photo and the winner gets a $5 Starbucks card.
Extra points if you use the words "cuss bucket."
Ready, set, GO!
Write a caption for the above photo and the winner gets a $5 Starbucks card.
Extra points if you use the words "cuss bucket."
Ready, set, GO!
"your comment is showing"
"Oh well, the camera adds ten pounds... oh crap, that's my reflection."
yeah. I got nothing. But I do have a new flip and you are soooo being caught on it's tiny view finder this weekend...hee hee hee.
"whoa all that working out is really paying off"
"How they see themselves"
haha, i have nothing clever at all, but i do love ana poe's :)
I have internet again, so i just wanted to comment and say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
"Dude, Lucca. Your knock-knock jokes are SO played out. I swear on the memory of my sacrificed dingleberries that you have 3 seconds to unlock this door before I pummel you back into a zygote."
"I won't let you back inside until you share your Girl Scout cookies, you cuss bucket!"
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