Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter/Birthday Eve...

Lucca's sick too... boo hoo. Our little nugget has been puking since last night and boy-howdy is that NOT the birthday gift I wanted. Truly, I did not put it on the list.
Feel better nugget, or you're going to miss out on all the goodies tomorrow!

In other news, I have still failed to provide a picture of the adorable tea cozy from Linnea, no good reason, just another epic fail. I did, however, give Miles the honor of modeling my new scarf which was hand made by my dear friend/coworker Elaine. This pattern is so sweet and the yarn is silky soft. I feel so loved receiving these amazingly person gifts, I'm a lucky lady indeed. Look at this fabulous color,

and it's great to have a super long, (wrapped it around Miles four times!) light-weight scarf to wear through the Summer. I've had it on ever since I opened it at lunch yesterday, that is, when Miles wasn't borrowing it.

Our kitchen window is currently displaying some more birthday cheer...
Elaine also hit it out of the park with her card, the tattooed Pit was her nod to my love of both beauties and inside was a bit of cash for the upcoming ink. Thanks again dear ones, you all mean very much to me!


IndianaJones said...

We are missing out tomorrow. I'm sad. That's about all I can say about that...except that I like the gift we have for you but I promise not to keep it. We will get it to you, hopefully soon...just as soon as OUR little nugget gets better;)
Hope you have the happiest of birthdays and we really are so sad to miss it.

Home2K9 Pack Leader said...

So sad! I'm going to miss you guys so much... especially since it would have been entirely too much fun applying your temporary tattoos that we found as a party favor for everyone to wear. :o) Feel better baby Bean and we'll party when the lot of us is more perked up! XO

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Upcoming ink? Did I miss something? :o)

Hope Lucca feels better real quick. Huggles from Santino and Kingsley.

Ashley said...

Lucca, get better for you mama!!!


Hope you have the best day. :)

Raven said...

Happy Birthday!! Sorry I'm behind the times, I was away at camp. :)