Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Vacation: Chris and Ashley's (Updated)

Updated to include PROOF!
We have kissed the Burrito head and it is glorious...

Please accept our apologies for the extended delay... we are having too much fun to post.
Regular posting will resume once the fun has ceased and we are forced to return home.

End transmission.


Kerri Anne said...

It was so! great to meet you both last night. Here's to awesome people with awesome dogs, tasty food, and rousing games of Apples to Apples, amen.

Chris said...

That's what SHE said. :)

I mean, uh. Ditto what the wife said.


Home2K9 Pack Leader said...

Hahah, great meeting you both as well! Thanks for the love and we'll look forward to keeping up with you in the future... there are ever so many Apples still to be played!