Thursday, May 7, 2009

I threatened the Sun's mother...

Just get'n through over here, the sun showed up this afternoon and promised to stick around around again through the weekend so I could finish planting all the lovely growing things I bought LAST WEEKEND and for us to have a chance to catch up on mowing. (Sweet Jesus we have a crapload of mowing around here!) Also, I punched the sun in the gut for disappearing like that for four days and threatened to do the same to it's mother should it pull a stunt like that again before October. Do NOT tempt me large, bright, insolent orb. Your absence has already resulted in one round of the flu for poor husband today... if he gets piggy flu you're so gonna pay for that too!

Next to the lazy Boxer are some dark and mysterious ninja tulips from the market last Saturday... we've been loving these gorgeous buds all week, but I forgot to share them with you. MuAhahAHHahahAh!!!
Wait, sharing feels so much better...

Ok, news flash... peaceful baby dog lounging on the sofa as if he owns the place.

Peace out kids and more thanks again for being YOU!


Raven said...

I love those tulips! The color is gorgeous. I think I need something purple in my garden.

lorieloo said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your tulips! Oh my gosh!

and your dogs are adorable, but that is nothing new=)

Lauryn said...

Seriously, what is with the sun's attitude problem lately? I've had about enough already.