Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Towels, fresh from the dryer, are thee BEST.

Killing me softly...

Today was super if you don't count the coming home to a giant piece of spray painted plywood at the entrance of our community spelling out certain neighbor's great disdain over a mailer that went out with our name on it that was not at all our creation. Then the day continues to be excellent if you just ignore the fact that it's in our best interest to spend God know's how much money and time on a disclaimer postcard tomorrow to be sent out to every community member in a rush, thankyouverymuch, to hopefully set the record straight. I'm quickly getting over my wrong impression of the community president as she showed herself to be fiercely loyal tonight in defending our character to everyone calling her about this stupid mailing. I'm grateful for her kind words assuring us that we have been duped and taken advantage of and that she is so very sorry for it. Additionally, this kind woman has offered to do most of the aforementioned work to communicate in the way she has been most successful that we are not responsible for this. It seems there is nothing else to do, but bring forth the truth and rest easy knowing you can't win 'em all. The worst part is that this whole thing never needed to be. Someone wanted to spread their ideas around, but couldn't do it honestly and now we have to feel the uncomfortable judgement of people around us who, for the most part, don't even know us. The timing was intentional as their is a voting meeting this Sunday to change a few bylaws, I can't wait to see these people face to face... not. I can't drink first, right? Oh, to be like Lucca and lounge on hot towels all afternoon...


sarah marie p said...

Yay for fresh towels! Those truly are the best! Awwww... your pup is TOO adorable. Lava!

I'm not exactly sure what's going on with that mailer and everything but it sounds like bad news. :( I'm sorry! I hope the issue is resolved ASAP.

always sunny said...

explain that mailer thing. i dont get it. you sent something out? they hate you for it? me!

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Re: the mailer thing... Who would do such a strange thing!?

Mmmmm, fresh towels are delish.