I said I'd be back yesterday, but I wasn't up for it so, here we are today!
I can't really begin to explain where this resolution came from except that I was thinking of ways to attempt further money saving this year and to be even more environmentally friendly which spurred me on to the thought of recycling more clothing. I'm not a HUGE clothes horse, I appreciate clothes and certainly love to shop as much as the next girl, but it's very rare that I'd buy anything locally because of the lack of choices and thus I might buy something new maybe once a month? Now, "something" refers to EVERYTHING from a pair of tights to a skirt or dress and there are often multiple months that go buy without a trip to town to pick up anything new so, point is... there's no stopping by Target once a week or anything. I also prefer to buy one nice thing that I really love over a bag full of items at a lesser price that won't last me more than a year.
Which leads me (finally) to the resolution... I decided to not purchase any new (as in brand new, never used, full price) clothing this year UNLESS I have a gift certificate or card to a specific clothing retailer in which case using said card or certificate is allowed. Otherwise, all clothing purchases (excepting of course for undergarments) will be recycled, second-hand only. I used to shop at thrift stores and cool consignment shops all the time, but living on the Island and the change in my style has made this less desirable somehow, but that's about to change. My expectation is to have more fun searching for unique pieces and to feel a greater pride again in walking away with a great deal. It's going to be hard not setting foot in Anthropologie (unless of course a gift card comes along... :o) but I'll live. And here's proof, two freebies right out of the starting gate! A reversible vintage quilted jacket that fits perfectly and will look adorable with skirts and jeans from my friend Annmarie...

...and a super new pair of patent leather flats that my co worker's daughter outgrew! Lucky me, I'm done growing! Lucca likes them, he even tried to taste one when I wasn't looking... naughty Lucca, those are for ME! So, you see, I think this is a good goal for me in 2009 and I'm hoping my luck thus far is a sign of things to come. Friday just might be my first test of the hunting skills since Hans and I plan to be in Seattle all day and possibly stopping by some of the best thrifts spots in town. Here's to hoping!

Which leads me (finally) to the resolution... I decided to not purchase any new (as in brand new, never used, full price) clothing this year UNLESS I have a gift certificate or card to a specific clothing retailer in which case using said card or certificate is allowed. Otherwise, all clothing purchases (excepting of course for undergarments) will be recycled, second-hand only. I used to shop at thrift stores and cool consignment shops all the time, but living on the Island and the change in my style has made this less desirable somehow, but that's about to change. My expectation is to have more fun searching for unique pieces and to feel a greater pride again in walking away with a great deal. It's going to be hard not setting foot in Anthropologie (unless of course a gift card comes along... :o) but I'll live. And here's proof, two freebies right out of the starting gate! A reversible vintage quilted jacket that fits perfectly and will look adorable with skirts and jeans from my friend Annmarie...
my 1st comment on someone's blog....
k, i almost have the same resolution but I gave myself a 6 month window of no new buy, unless GC or someone wants to buy me a new b-day dress!!
Soooooooo cute! I love the jacket and the shoes. It's even better that they are "recycled". YAY!
OMG, that jacket is DARLING! If I could find that sort of thing in my local thrift stores, I would certainly shop there!
THis is how we've lived for how long? um can't remember when I actually bought something new but then I also have a Mother who enjoys a little too much taking me on little anthro trips now and then...still she always buys sale so I guess that's something.
Have jolly good fun thrifting. I don't think I could ever give it up and go the other direction at this point! THe hunt is at least half if not more of the fun:)
happy happy seattle day...especially for your old man of a husband ;);)
I wish some of my more stylish friends would outgrow their clothes and gift them onto me... do you think slipping growth hormones into their drinks would do the trick?
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